MTB Celebrates 20th Anniversary in 2015

Jan 15, 2016 | Lucy .

Machine Tool Builders, Inc. aka MTB is celebrating 20years of excellence in serving the gear industry with mechanical and electrical solutions. Originally established in 1995 with a vision of being a service-oriented company, today MTB offers a unique mix of capabilities for rebuilding, recontrolling and servicing gear shapers, hobbers and grinders, as well as VTLs, boring mills, and designing many new machines.

Owners Ken Flowers and Ron Peiffer state, “This 20 year journey of many successes is just the beginning of their long-term vision for MTB.” Both owners are degreed controls engineers who are extremely hands-on throughout the organization. With an intimate understanding of how gear machines work mechanically and electrically, these owners continue to develop software, apply new technologies and defeat mechanical challenges that most engineers wouldn’t tackle. With a passion to manufacture capital equipment in the United States and to develop the next generation of engineers and machine builders, Flowers and Peiffer invested heavily into MTB’s infrastructure and team of employees.

Centrally located in Northern Illinois, MTB built a new 20,100 square-foot addition, which includes a new 25-ton overhead crane, a climate controlled environment, 35-foot ceiling height and 2-ton jib cranes at each machine building station. Understanding and physically building equipment, Flowers and Peiffer state, “These specific features are critical for machine builders to work efficiently and to maintain critical temperature requirements for grinding equipment.” This new facility allows for larger rebuilds and equipment manufacturing, which is needed to serve the heavy-equipment manufacturers in oil, construction, earth moving and sometimes aerospace suppliers.

The most recent renovation is the engineering sky-wing, set above manufacturing for viewing. This state-of-the-art facility has the latest technologies in furniture and equipment to inspire creative engineering solutions. Moving forward, the owners have slated renovations of the original facility to blend seamlessly with the new contemporary design in 2016.

Beyond the infrastructure, Flowers and Peiffer hired Jeff Kimberly as COO in 2014 to transfer their vision into reality. Kimberly, a mechanical engineer with management savviness, has set a tone for growth, creating group cohesiveness and individual training to elevate skills while synchronizing with customers’ expectations for solutions and project management.

As active team members of MTB, owners Flowers and Peiffer, are writing software, mechanically designing new solutions, installing machines, training customers, making repairs and overseeing projects.

This year, MTB will celebrates its anniversary of 20 years. Flowers and Peiffer thank the many loyal customers, suppliers and friends they have made along this journey. Please join in this celebration by expressing your continued words of inspiration and congratulations.