Software Development
At MTB one of our core competencies is software development. You can install a new state of the art CNC, drives and motors, but the machine still will not work without the software provided by the machine builder. This includes both the PLC logic and the operator interface and programming environments.
Over the years we have developed some standard software that is reused again and again. As the software has matured, it has evolved into very robust and reliable code that we are comfortable installing in our rebuilds and recontrol projects, as well as into other OEM’s machines. We have conversational based programming software for gear hobbers, gear shapers and gear grinders, spread across multiple platforms from GE Fanuc, Siemens and NUM Corporation. Our current development programs are moving into the PC arena, as the newer CNC’s today allow the front end to be a PC running the Windows operating systems. Currently we have hobbing, shaping and grinding software that runs on a PC front end implemented and running on machines in the field. Our development in this area continues constantly by adding enhanced features and functions to the already feature rich packages.