Donner+Pfister AG, announces MTB as Sales & Support in USA

Sep 27, 2024 | Lucy .

Machine Tool Builders (aka MTB), a remanufacturer and recontroller of gear-cutting and grinding equipment, is appointed as exclusive representative of sales and service for Donner + Pfister AG (aka DPAG) located in Switzerland. With a similar business model and expertise, MTB will support the customer base of DPAG by offering sales, quotations, technical knowledge and documentation regarding gear checking machines and retrofitted Maag gear grinding machines.

Gear Checking Machines

DPAG gear checking and measurement systems are considered the most accurate and precise measurement systems available with the flexibility of mobility.

· Mobile Pitch Tester ES4100, New or MAAG ES401 Upgrade

· Mobile Involute Tester ES4300, New or MAAG ES430 Upgrade

· Gear Measuring Center SP4200/6500, MAAG SP42/65 Upgrade

· Recorder ES42X Plug In-Replacement of MAAG ES-410 / ES-411/ ES-412 / ES-415 / ES-416

Gear Grinding MachinesD+P upgrades MAAG gear grinding machines based on the 0° grinding method by incorporating its topological control systems – with levels up to CNC. A data-compatible substitute for MAAG-topology (ES 422) is also available.

Suitable MAAG gear grinding machines are:

· HSS 30

· SD-32-X **

· SD-36-X **

· HSP-80

· HSS90

· Others on request

** SD-32-X or SD-36-X base machine stocked

The workpiece is mounted on the machine with its axis horizontal. The involute profile is generated by the gear rolling relative to and in contact with the two dish grinding wheels. This ensures pitch independent grinding wheels and simultaneous grinding of two flanks.